Undefine Yourself and Expand Your Reality

Hello Friends,

Since our conception, people have projected their definitions of who we are upon us, and we have accepted it as truth. Every one of us has been given a label. Were you the “good”, “happy,” “shy,” “helper,” “bossy,” or “demanding” child?

We own these labels as who we believe we truly are and add further restriction by attaching meaning of good and bad, right, and wrong.

When we define ourselves, we create separation by boxing ourselves in and not allowing space to be something different. We place limitations on who we are and what is possible for us. We may wonder why we feel so stuck and lost.

The definitions we have fully bought into and identify with create our reality.

If we no longer give our power away to definitions, there is no need to resist, react, or justify to someone else’s definition about us. We will experience a neutrality. Their judgment of us is based on who they are, not on who we are.

Do you box yourself in according to someone else’s definition of you, or even your own definition of yourself? I invite you to explore, “How do I define myself?” “Am I using these definitions to create limitations in my life? Examples might include man, woman, professional, retired, married, single, healthy, health issues, introverted, extroverted and so forth. Now ask yourself, “Who am I without these labels?” It may be uncomfortable at first. Lean into the discomfort. This is your gateway to freedom, a life without limitation.

When you undefine yourself and release all attachments to a label, you create greater expansion for opportunities to show up.

What is available now that you recognize where you limit yourself?

Remember, you are greater than the limits you put/allow upon yourself.

Warm Wishes,



Happy? Holidays


Choosing to see the world through the lens of “Right” or “Wrong”