Recognizing Your Truth

Hello Friends,

What if I told you that recognizing and honoring your truth is the biggest key to living a happy life? Would you even be able to recognize your truth? The best way to learn what your truth is, is to ask yourself, “Who was I before the world told me who to be?” 

Every single day we are bombarded with societal messages strongly influencing us on how to be, what to have, where to be, and who to know. These suggestions on what is best for us can leave us feeling lost and confused about ourselves and questioning our ability to choose what feels right and true for us. We find ourselves consuming mindlessly, searching for anything to help us feel ok and it’s always short lived. We get caught in a vicious pattern of filling ourselves and our lives up with meaningless things just so we can maintain feeling ok.  Experiencing this will cause us to feel drained, irritable, disconnected, and defeated. We become so full of the noise and congestion of the world that we lose ourselves and our passion. 

To support you in reconnecting to yourself and your truth, it is important to become aware of the messages you that you receive daily (These are the repetitive themes playing out in your life.) Your life is a reflection of you and how you feel about yourself. Learning to translate your life (by recognizing repetitive themes and addressing them in yourself) will help you to understand yourself better so that you can peel back the layers of societal programming and find you again. So I’ll ask you again, “Who were you before the world told you who to be?” When you were young and free, what lit you up? What made you feel alive? What can you do to reconnect with yourself today?

Remember, real happiness comes from within. It is not something that you can ever find “out there”. And it starts by being you. 



Being ok with not feeling ok


Self-imposed Limitations