Being ok with not feeling ok

Hello Friends,

We all have moments in our lives when we don't feel okay. Nothing appears to be working in our favor, and we might find ourselves feeling lost, confused, and desperately seeking distractions from our uncomfortable and often painful emotions.

During these times of discomfort, it's essential to acknowledge these feelings, allowing them to occupy space within our bodies. As challenging as that may feel, it is in the acknowledgment and allowing that we are able to release them. 

To do this, I take a deep breath, exhaling while making a sound like "Hhhaaa." Sometimes, it takes a few repetitions to let go of the urge to "escape" from the emotions and instead surrender to the present moment. There's nothing to figure out, nothing to react to; the path of least resistance is to be present.

This means fully embracing the emotions and sensations we are currently experiencing. They carry a message for us—are we willing to listen and attend to them? In my personal experience, once I allow my feelings and bodily sensations to be acknowledged and witnessed, the intensity of the discomfort gradually begins to subside.

We can then lean into the belief, with just a little more acceptance, that life IS continually working for us, even when we might not be able to see any visible evidence of it.



Jars Visualization Technique


Recognizing Your Truth