Year End Reflection

Hello Friends,

We are on the verge of 2023 and being presented with a fresh start, a new beginning, and new adventures.

Are you ready to release the old and create what your heart truly desires as we move into the new year? If yes, then a bit of a shakeup may be your answer to shift some energy. 

When my energy feels stuck and unsettled, or maybe I am experiencing some anxiety and my creative flow feels blocked, I like to clean house. I know from personal experience that small changes in my outer world create big changes in my inner world. You may have heard the common adage, “As above so below, as within so without.” 

Something that helps get my energy moving is cleaning my home, organizing my paperwork, going through my closet and drawers, and donating clothes and objects that have been unused. 

Once this is complete, I like to sit quietly in reflection and notice what is happening in my body. What thoughts or feelings are coming to the surface?  Are there unresolved emotions wanting to be acknowledged? What did this “cleansing” bring up? I sit, notice, and allow the feelings to be present, and surrender to the moment.  If I am still feeling a little heavy, then I might journal to deepen the flow of release.  I have even found that coloring in a coloring book can successfully support the movement of emotions. 

When we let go of old energy weighing us down, we create space to welcome newness into our lives. 

What better way than to welcome in the New Year with an exciting spaciousness ready to fill with greater health, happiness, and abundance.

I invite you to take time to reflect on this past year. What have you appreciated about 2022? What old stories are you willing to finally put to rest so you can create new empowering stories? And, what new habits/routines do you want to implement that will support you in reaching new goals?

Cheers to making 2023 your Best Year yet!



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