Love Yourself

Hello Friends,

February is commonly referred to as the month of love. It is the month where we are collectively expected to show others how much we love them, and yet the same attention isn’t being given to actively loving ourselves. 

Love begins with you. 

If you struggle to love yourself, you are not able to fully receive love from others nor are you able to easily show others how deeply you care for them.

Love is the most precious and valuable gift we can give ourselves.

To love yourself means to accept yourself and treat yourself with kindness and respect. When you practice self-love, you’re more likely to pursue your interests and goals, and to attract people, situations, and outcomes that will reflect your true worth. 

To increase your awareness, here are a few questions to reflect upon:

1.     What does self-love look, feel, and sound like for me? 

2.     How can I expand my ability to receive more love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness?

 3.     How can I choose myself first each day before anyone else (To give to others, you must first give to yourself.)?

4.     What do I feel called to release from my heart space to make space for the new? Are there old hurts, grudges or resentments that are still unprocessed?

5.     How can I be a better friend to myself?

6.     What accomplishments, big and small, can I celebrate about myself?

I invite you to start each day choosing one loving thought or action you can take…  just for you. 



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