Making Resolutions You Can Live By

How do you feel about New Year’s Resolutions?

I stopped making New Year’s Resolutions a few years ago because I never seemed to reach my desired goal, and my self-esteem would take a beating along the way. The only annual outcomes I achieved were a sense of failure and defeat.

To avoid the annual disappointment, early last month I decided to start immediately to implement a few daily habits towards my goal of optimal well-being in all areas of my life (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).

I took some time to reflect on what I was already doing that supports me in all areas of my life: I looked for things that give me energy, balance, peace, and allow for my energy to move, that don’t feel like chores to check off my to-do list.

I quickly and easily came up with a few. Although my daily habits are not new, what is new is my understanding, appreciation and collaboration with my body’s innate wisdom and current lifestyle. She is my vehicle to get around in this journey, and I want to support, empower, honour, and love her, as best as I can.

I have started following these three habits because I know they make a positive impact in my overall well-being immediately. Now, a month into this routine, my body is appreciating it and I am feeling successful and motivated to continue.

Habit 1: Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day.

Habit 2: Exercise for 20 minutes each day. I have joined a virtual exercise community to provide me with a variety of classes on demand.

What I have learned about myself is that, if I do not achieve these two goals by noon every day, they seem to fall further down, or totally off my list, as the rest of my day gets in the way.

Habit 3: In bed by 10 PM and awake at 6:30 AM.

I hope you too feel inspired to create your own daily habits that set you up for success!


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