Do you have a wall around your heart?

Happy February!

It’s the middle of winter, and Heart Month — a particularly hard time of year for many people. It reminds me about heart walls, a common problem and one that I have discussed with many of my clients.

A heart wall is a defensive wall around your heart that your mind might have subconsciously created to protect you from emotional pain. While it might sound like a good thing, a heart wall is a barrier that makes it more difficult for you to feel emotions and emotionally connect to others.

Could you have a heart wall and not even know it?

I invite you to answer the following questions: 

  1. Do you have trouble connecting with other people?

  2. Do you feel uncomfortable sharing your feelings with those closest to you?

  3. Do you fear you will never experience true happiness?

  4. Do you sometimes experience unexplainable physical symptoms such as chest pain or, more commonly, discomfort in the neck, upper back and shoulder areas?

If you answered Yes more than No to these questions, then you likely have a heart wall blocking you from living a life filled with love and joy.

Being honest with yourself and acknowledging your truth is a start to creating positive shifts in your life. But you many need some assistance to take down your emotional wall(s), and I’m here to help you, or anyone you know who might need help in this area.

Just send me an email and let me know.

Warm Wishes,



Did you know it takes work to cultivate inner peace?


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