Did you know it takes work to cultivate inner peace?

Hello Friends,

In order to allow peace into our lives a simple daily practice is required. 

When we are able to access peaceful states within our beingness we are able to maintain this experience, regardless of what is happening in our world. In these states we can more positively contribute to the world because we are grounded, connected to our bodies, and non-reactive.

As a start point, sit comfortably, and practice looking out the window for 5-10 minutes every day. Don’t focus on anything in particular. The intention is to allow your beingness to be quiet. You may notice after a few minutes that your body begins to soften, your breathing becomes slower and deeper and an overall inner quieting takes place. If thoughts intrude, just be an observer and witness them. There is nothing to do other than to be neutral and observe life.

If you are struggling with the quietness, the following visualization may better serve you:

Imagine your body is a tree. Your torso is the trunk, and you have deep roots coming out from the bottoms of your feet, anchored deeply into the earth. Imagine your head, the top of the tree, is bringing down the sunlight from up above. Feel the sun coming into your head, softening and quieting the mind chatter. It may feel like a warm internal hug coming from the sky above. When you are ready, use the next breath to bring the sun down into your torso. Notice how strong your torso is as the sun makes its way down your legs and into your roots. You may repeat quietly to yourself, “I am in a storm and not the storm. All is well.” Make sure you are using your breath to move the sun energy from your head, down your body, and out through the roots of your feet. 

I hope you found the above exercises of value. How else might you allow Peace into your life today?

Warm Wishes,



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